"I just want the feelings to go away"
Even after you leave the lifestyle, you should be prepared to still face temptation. Though this thought may lead certain people to be angry with God, don't be! God does not tempt us. Temptation is from the devil and it is our agreement with temptation that opens the door to sin.
And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. - 1 James 1:13-14
God may lead us in a situation to test our strength test and our character but God Himself does not tempt us. God equips us with the strength and everything that we need to overcome the devil Shift your perspective from asking God to take this away to "God help me overcome this; give me the strength to overcome and focus on you."
It was really hard in the beginning when God was first speaking to me about coming out of homosexuality and I was ignoring him. It was much easier for me to continue on in the lifestyle and continue lusting after women and continue operating on my relationship like normal because I didn't really love God. When you love someone you do things to please them, you don't do things that would hurt them so I didn't really love God. I said I loved him but loving someone means you show it through your actions. You don't just say I love you but your actions show otherwise.
You have to love him so bad that you're willing to die to yourself to live for him. You have to love him so bad that you are willing to lay down the things that your flesh loves in order to follow the things that the Holy Spirit is leading you to which is a relationship with God.
What Do I Do If I Backslid?
Every day is not going to be perfect but God just wants you to be willing. Let your spirit be willing to fight temptation. There will be days where you'll say "dang man I messed up" but don't beat yourself up. The devil would love to have you feeling guilty and feeling condemned so that you don't talk to God again. That is not of God. God convicts those that he loves but He doesn't hang your sins over your head. If you do fall, click HERE to watch our video called 6 Steps To Take If You Backslide.
The flesh wants all kinds of things so you've really got to be careful with what comes across your eyes. Ask yourself these questions:
What are my weaknesses?
When do I get triggered?
When do I start to lust?
What void am I trying to fill?
Who can I call for accountability?
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” - Matthew 26:41 NLT
Click HERE to watch our updated video on overcoming same-sex attraction.
About Made Whole
Made Whole's mission is to create safe spaces, educational content, and tools to
equip those who God has called out of the homosexual lifestyle with the resources they need to build a relationship with God, maintain their freedom, and walk into their divine purpose.